Patrick Laurenti

Page web :


Page web de l’équipe :



1-Sylvain-Bonfanti L., Page J., Meimoun P., Grésillon É., Bouteau F., & Laurenti P*. (2023). L’anesthésie, un
processus commun à tout le vivant [Anaesthesia, a process common to all living organisms] Med Sci (Paris),
sous presse
2- Grésillon É., Bouteau F., Chartier D., Laurenti P. (2022). Nos sœurs les plantes, une pensée interdisciplinaire
pour aborder le vivant en termes de parenté [Plants, our sisters: interdisciplinary approach to life in terms of
kinship]. Nat. Sci. Soc., DOI : 10.1051/nss/2023003
3- Policarpo M., Bemis K.E., Laurenti P., Legendre L., Sandoz J.-C., Rétaux S. and D. Casane (2022).
Coevolution of the olfactory organ and its receptor repertoire in ray-finned fishes. BMC Biology (2022) 20:195,
DOI : 10.1186/s12915-022-01397-x
4- Arbelet-Bonnin D., Cangémi S., Laurenti P. & F. Bouteau (2022) ­ Observation of unexpected neo like‐fruit
development from Cakile maritima calli. ­ Adv. Hort. Sci., 36(2): 155­159. DOI: 10.36253/ahsc-12818
5- Bouteau F., Grésillon E., Chartier D., Arbelet-Bonnin D., Kawano T., Baluška F., Mancuso S., Calvo P. & P.
Laurenti* (2021). Our sisters the plants? Notes from phylogenetics and botany on plant kinship blindness.
Plant Signaling and Behavior e2004769. DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2021.2004769
6- Policarpo M., Bemis K. E., Tyler J. C., Metcalfe C. J., Laurenti P., Sandoz J-C., Rétaux S. and D. Casane
(2021). Evolutionary Dynamics of the OR Gene Repertoire in Teleost Fishes: Evidence of an Association with
Changes in Olfactory Epithelium Shape. Mol. Biol. Evol. 38 (9), 3742–3753, DOI:10.1093/molbev/msab145
7- Zhao T, Arbelet-Bonnin D, Tran D, Monetti E, Lehner A, Meimoun P, Kadono T, Dauphin A, Errakhi R,
Reboutier D, Cangémi S, Kawano T. Mancuso S, El-Maarouf-Bouteau H, Laurenti P & F. Bouteau (2021).
Biphasic activation of survival and death pathways in thaliana cultured cells by sorbitol-induced hyperosmotic
stress. Plant Science, Plant Science 305 (2021) 110844. DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2021.110844
8- Bouteau F, Reboutier D, Tran D and P Laurenti (2020). Ion transport in plant cell shrinkage during death,
Frontiers Cell Dev. Biol, 8, 1025, doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.566606
9- Arbelet-Bonnin D., Blasselle C., Rose Palm E., Redwan M., Ponnaiah M., Laurenti P, Meimoun P., Gilard F.,
Gakière B., Mancuso S., El-Maarouf-Bouteau H. and François Bouteau (2020). Metabolism regulation during
salt exposure in the halophyte Cakile maritima. Env. Exp. Botany, 177, doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104075
10- Arbelet-Bonnin D., Ben Hamed-Louati I. Laurenti P., Abdelly C., Ben Hamed K. and Bouteau F. Cakile
maritima, a promising model for halophyte studies and a putative cash crop for saline agriculture (2019).
Donald L. Sparks, Advances in Agronomy, Academic Press,155, 45-78. DOI: 10.1016/bs.agron.2019.01.003
11- Casane D., Policarpo M. and Laurenti P*. (2019). Pourquoi le taux de mutation n’est-il jamais égal à zéro?
[Why the mutation rate never reaches zero?] Med Sci (Paris), 35 (3), 245-251. DOI: 10.1051/medsci/2019030
12- Arbelet-Bonnin D., Ben Hamed-Laouti I., Laurenti P., Abdelly C., Ben Hamed K. and F. Bouteau (2018).
Cellular mechanisms to survive salt in the halophyte Cakile maritima. Plant Science 272, 173-178. DOI:
13- Bouteau F. and P Laurenti (2018). La neurobiologie végétale une idée folle ?. Pour la Science, dossier n 101
14- Casane D. and Laurenti P.* (2016) Le cas CRISPR, mutations « ready-made » et évolution lamarckienne d’un
système immunitaire adaptatif [The CRISPR case, « ready-made » mutations and Lamarckian evolution of an
adaptive immunity system] Med Sci (Paris) 32 : 640–645. DOI: 10.1051/medsci/20163206029
15- Shone V., Oulion S., Casane D., Laurenti P., Graham A. (2016) Mode of reduction in the number of
pharyngeal segments within the sarcopterygians. Zoological Letters 2(6). DOI: 10.1186/s40851-016-0043-6.
DOI: 10.1186/s40851-016-0043-6
16- Casane D., Fumey J. and Laurenti P.* (2015). L’apophénie d’ENCODE ou Pangloss examine le génome
humain [ENCODE apophenia or a panglossian analysis of the human genome]. Med Sci (Paris) 31 : 680-6.
DOI: 10.1051/medsci/20153106023
17- Naville M, Chalopin D., Casane D., Laurenti P and Jean-Nicolas Volff. (2015). The coelacanth: can a “living
fossil” have active transposable elements in its genome? Mobile Genetic Elements 5(4):55-59. DOI:
18- Casane D., Laurenti P.* (2014)  Syllogomanie moléculaire : l’ADN non codant enrichit le jeu des possibles

[Compulsive molecular hoarding enables the evolution of protein-coding DNA from non-coding DNA] Med Sci
(Paris) 30(12): 1177-83. DOI: 10.1051/medsci/20143012022
19- Casane D., Laurenti P.* (2014) Une toute nouvelle tête pour l’ancêtre des vertébrés à mâchoires. [A brand
new face for the ancestor of jawed vertebrates] Med Sci (Paris) 30(1): 38-40. DOI:
20- Casane D., Laurenti P.* (2013) Why coelacanths are not “living-fossils". BioEssays 35(4): 332-338. DOI:
21- Debiais-Thibaud M., Metcalfe C.J., Pollack J., Germon I., Ekker M., Depew M., Laurenti P., Borday-Birraux V.,
Casane D. (2013) Heterogeneous conservation of Dlx paralog co-expression in jawed vertebrates. PLoS ONE
8(6): e6. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068182
22- Casane D., Laurenti P.* (2012) Penser la biologie dans un cadre phylogénétique : l'exemple de l'évolution des
vertébrés. [Tree thinking : Vertebrates as case study] Med Sci (Paris) 28(12): 1121-1127.
23- Oulion S., Laurenti P. and Casane D. (2012). Organisation des gènes Hox : l'étude de vertébrés non-modèles
mène à un nouveau paradigme. [Hox genes organization: studying non-model vertebrates leads to a
paradigm shift] Med Sci (Paris) 28(4) : 10-13
24- Debiais-Thibaud M., Oulion S., Bourrat F., Laurenti P., Casane D., Borday-Birraux V. (2011) The homology of
odontodes in gnathostomes: insights from Dlx gene expression in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula. BMC
Evolutionary Biology 11(1): 307. DOI:10.1186/1471-2148-11-307
25- Oulion S., Borday-Birraux V., Debiais-Thibaud M., Mazan S., Laurenti P.* and Casane D. (2011) Evolution of
repeated structures along the body axis of jawed vertebrates, insights from the Scyliorhinus canicula Hox
code. Evolution and Development 13(3): 247-259. DOI:10.1111/j.1525-142X.2011.00477.x
26- Debiais-Thibaud M., Germon I., Laurenti P., Casane D. and Borday-Birraux V. (2008) Low divergence in Dlx
gene expression between dentitions of the medaka (Oryzias latipes) versus high level of expression shuffling
in osteichtyans. Evolution and Development 10(4): 464-476. DOI:10.1111/j.1525-142X.2008.00257.x
27- Debiais-Thibaud M., Borday-Birraux V., Germon I., Bourrat F., Metcalfe C.J., Casane D. and Laurenti P.*
(2007) Development of oral and pharyngeal teeth in the medaka (Oryzias latipes): comparison of morphology
and expression of eve1 gene. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental
Evolution 308(6): 693-708. DOI:10.1002/jez.b.21183
28- Laurenti, P., Thaëron, C., Allizard, F., Huysseune, A., and Sire, J.Y. (2004) Cellular expression of eve1
suggests its requirement for the differentiation of the ameloblasts and for the initiation and morphogenesis of
the first tooth in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Dev. Dyn.. 230(4):727-733. DOI:10.1002/dvdy.20080
29- Avaron F., Thaëron-Antono C., Beck C.W., Borday-Birraux V., Géraudie J., Casane D. and Laurenti P.*
(2003) Comparison of even-skipped related gene expression pattern in vertebrates shows an association
between expression domain loss and modification of selective constraints on sequences. Evolution and
Development 5(2): 145-156. DOI:10.1046/j.1525-142X.2003.03021.x
30- Borday V., Thaeron C., Avaron F., Brulfert A., Casane D., Laurenti P. and Geraudie J. (2001) evx1
transcription in bony fin rays segment boundaries leads to a reiterated pattern during zebrafish fin
development and regeneration. Developmental Dynamics 220(2): 91-98. DOI:10.1002/1097-
31- Fauvarque MO, Laurenti P, Boivin A, Bloyer S, Griffin-Shea R, Bourbon HM, and Dura JM. (2001). Dominant
modifiers of the polyhomeotic extra-sex-combs phenotype induced by marked P element insertional
mutagenesis in Drosophila. Genet Res. 78(2):137-48. EID:2-s2.0-0034767734
32- Thaeron C., Avaron F., Casane D., Borday V., Thisse B., Thisse C., Boulekbache H. and Laurenti P.* (2000)
Zebrafish evx1 is dynamically expressed during embryogenesis in subsets of interneurones, posterior gut and
urogenital system. Mechanisms of Development 99: 167-172. DOI:10.1016/S0925-4773(00)00473-1
33- Perrin L, Romby P, Laurenti P, Berenger H, Kallenbach S, Bourbon HM, and Pradel J (1999). The Drosophila
Modifier of Variegation modulo Gene Product Binds Specific RNA Sequences at the Nucleolus and Interacts
with DNA and Chromatin in a Phosphorylation-dependent Manner. J Biol Chem, 274(10:6315-6323.
34- Jacq B., Horn F., Janody F., Gompel N., Serralbo O., Mohr E., Leroy C., Bellon B., Fasano L., Laurenti P.,
and Röder L. (1997). GIF-DB, a WWW database on gene interactions involved in Drosophila melanogaster
development. Nucl. Acids Res., 25:67-71. DOI:10.1093/nar/25.1.67
35- Laurenti P., Graba, Y., Rosset R., and Pradel J (1995). Genetic and molecular analysis of terminal deletions
of chromosome 3R in Drosophila. Gene, 154, 177-181. DOI:10.1016/0378-1119(94)00831-C
36- Graba Y., Gieseler K., Aragnol D., Laurenti P., Mariol MC., Bérenger H., Sagnier T., and Pradel J (1995).
DWnt-4, a novel drosophila Wnt gene acts downstream of homeotic complex genes in the visceral mesoderm.

Development, 121:209-218. EID: 2-s2.0-0028812434
37- Graba Y., Laurenti P., Perrin L., Aragnol D., and Pradel J. (1994). The modifier of variegation modulo gene
acts downstream of dorsoventral and HOM-C genes and is required for morphogenesis in Drosophila.
Developmental Biology, 166:704-715. DOI: 10.1006/dbio.1994.1349
38- Laurenti P., Graba Y., and Pradel J. (1993). A quick method for immunoscreening recombinant bacterial
colonies. Trends Genet., 9:335-336. DOI: 10.1016/0168-9525(93)90023-B
39- Garzino V., Pereira A., Laurenti P., Graba Y., Levis R. W., and Pradel J. (1992). Cell lineage specific
expression of modulo a dose dependent modifier of position-effect variegation. EMBO J., 11:4471-4479. EID:
40- Graba Y., Aragnol D., Laurenti P., Garzino V., Charmot D., Bérenger H., and Pradel J. (1992). Homeotic
control in Drosophila : the scabrous gene is a direct target of Ultrabithorax proteins. EMBO J., 11:3375-3384.
EID: 2-s2.0-0026768389
41- François Bouteau, Étienne Grésillon, Denis Chartier, Patrick Laurenti. Nos sœurs les plantes, penser le vivant
en terme de parenté (2020). HAL ⟨hal-02950972⟩
42- Maxime Policarpo, Patrick Laurenti, Erik García-Machado, Cushla Metcalfe, Sylvie Rétaux, Didier Casane
Genomic evidence that blind cavefishes are not wrecks of ancient life (2021). BioRXiv doi:
Couverture de revue :
1. Debiais-Thibaud M. and Laurenti P. (2011). Front and back cover, Evolution and Development 13(3)
Ouvrages collectifs
2. Daniel RICHARD, Patrick CHEVALET, Sylvie FOURNEL, Nathalie GIRAUD, Frédéric GROS, Patrick
LAURENTI, Fabienne PRADERE, Thierry SOUBAYA (2018). "Biologie, tout le cours en Fiche", 4e éd, Dunod,
3. Idem, (2015), 3e éd, Dunod, Paris.
4. Idem, (2012), 2e éd, Dunod, Paris.
5. Conseiller scientifique de l’ouvrage : Daniel Richard, Thierry Soubaya, Romain Nattier, Gaëlle Richard (2014)
Atlas de phylogénie, Dunod, Paris
Vulgarisation scientifique
6. Depuis 2016 : cofondateur Blog « Culture Biologique Numérique » (Prix de
l’innovation numérique 2017, Ufr SdV)
7. Laurenti P. & Kerner P. (2022). There and Back Again : L’épopée des sorties des eaux - Podcast Sciences
Episode #ps467
8. Arbelet-Bonnin D, Laurenti P, Bouteau F (2018) The Sea Rocket Resource, Or How To Use What Already
Exists In Nature. Science Trends.
9. Des arbres et des Hommes (4/4)-L'arbre sensible (2018) Avec : S Mancuso, S Ploquin, A Marquier, B Moulia,
E Coccia, F Hallé, F Bouteau, P Laurenti, E Zürcher - La Série Documentaire, France Culture
10. Laurenti P. & Kerner P. L’Evo-Devo Kézako? (2017) Podcast Sciences Episode #ps299.
11. Laurenti P. & Casane D. Tu sais ce qu'elle te dit la tête du petit poisson? (2013) primordialis
12. Laurenti P. Un bon fossile est un fossile mort (2012).
13. Laurenti P. & Rousse G. Le Capitalisme n'a pas attendu le génie génétique pour nous empoisonner la vie. Le
Monde Libertaire, jeudi 23 avril 1998.
14. Rousse G. & Laurenti P. Faut-il avoir peur du clonage ? Le Monde Libertaire, jeudi 10 avril 1997.

Research Area
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Area
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain (LIED) UMR 8236 Bâtiment Lamarck 35, rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris