Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des énergies de demain

Marta Serrano & Aymeric Paradis


14 Jan 2025


13h00 - 14h00


Salle café 633B

Intervenants : Marta Serrano, Aymeric Paradis

1. Modélisation des matériaux photonastiques: de l’échelle moléculaire à l’échelle supramoléculaire

Photonastic materials convert light into mechanical energy, mimicking how flowers and plants move in response to sunlight. This study focuses on polymeric photoactuators with potential applications in microfluidics, biomedicine, soft robotics, and light-driven motors. Using a multiscale approach, we investigate a polymer thin film containing photoactive molecules, specifically photochromes like azobenzene (AZ), embedded in a polybutadiene (PB) matrix through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Our initial aim is to examine the mutual influence between the AZ and the polymer, followed by a strategy to investigate the coupling between the photochemical reaction and the intramolecular relaxation of the polymer. For this, the photoreaction is simulated by switching between the potential energy surfaces of the ground and excited states, of the AZ during MD simulations, allowing the polymer chains to rearrange dynamically. Additionally, we examine the geometric and distance relationships between AZ and PB atoms to understand their local interactions. Finally, macroscopic properties, such as the density variation due to photoisomerisation and the viscoelastic modulus, are studied through modeling of multi-photochromic systems.

Stratégie de déplacement des hyphes de Candida albicans

2. Contrôle du cycle asexué de Penicillium camemberti : étude des mécanismes de la conidiation de l’échelle du laboratoire à l’échelle industrielle

The white mold Penicillium camemberti is used in the ripening of soft cheeses such as Camembert. To be sold as a ferment, its spores are produced on an industrial scale using the asexual reproduction cycle, which can develop of in two forms: a vegetative one called mycelium, or dormant asexual spores called conidia. The last bioprocess used by industry today is submerged fermentation in stirred bioreactors, which enables easy control of culture parameters to influence factors impacting the cell cycle. However, the main difficulty with this liquid fermentation process is controlling the morphological phenotype of the mycelium during bioreactor growth. Using a laboratory model, the link between morphology and conidiation was clearly demonstrated, and several critical parameters influencing this cycle were identified. Four different and reproducible nutrient conditions were therefore set up to obtain different growths and conidiation levels, and total RNA was extracted for sequencing and gene expression studies.
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